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Entrant details - Select events - Confirm details - Entry completed

Sandbox mode, testing in progress, do not complete entry

Martial arts school*
Personal details
First Name*Surname*
Date of birth * (DD/MM/YYYY)Gender*
Height (in cm)*Weight (in kg)*
Black belt
Contact details #
Address Line 1*Suburb*
Phone*Email Address*
* Mandatory fields
# Contact details will be used to contact entrants if there is a problem with their entry or any changes are made to the tournament program
I consent for my email address to be used to send me information about upcoming events
Conditions of entry

A minimum 3 people to form a kumite division. A short fall in number may see these competitors move up into the next Kyu division. Argument or debate will not be entered into. Referees decisions may be overturned only by the Arbitrator or the Toumament Director, otherwise they are final.

Any concerns must be taken to your dojo instructor who will then clarify the point with the Tountament Director or the Arbitrator.

Compulsory protective equipment for kumite: mouth guards, hand mitts, shin/instep pads, groin guards, head guards (use own if possible, or LBKA will supply head guards only). It is the duty of the competitor to bring his her own protective equipment.


  1. In consideration of, and a condition of acceptance of my entry for myself or my heirs, executors and admninistrators, hereby waive all and any claims fight of cause or action, which I or they may suffer or sustain the course of or consequent upon my entry in the said event.
  2. This waiver, release and discharge shall be and operate separately in favor of all persons, corporations and bodies involved or otherwise engaged in promoting or staging the event.
I agree to the terms and conditions of entry and agree with the declaration stated above
Copies of tournament rules may be obtained from LBKA: Lion Bushido Karate Academy, PO Box 4083, Knox City Center, Victoria 3152
Competitors Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the competitor and his/her parents to enter into the divisions appropriate to the competitors age and rank for the date of the toumament. Only in the Open divisions will any rank be permitted to compete.

In case of injury, only the first aid officer, the center referee and the competitor will decide if the competitor will continue competing in that division, If the competitor suffers from concussion he / she will not be allowed to continue competition in that or any other sparring event.

Argument from coaches, parents or competitors will not be tolerated. This will result in the competitor being disqualified instantly.

Coaching from the sidelines is not allowed. The offending person will receive 1 warning and on the 2nd infringement their competitor will be disqualified.

The competitor must report at the appropriate ring when their event is announced. They must be fully atttired for that event. Sparring requires all protective equipment to be worn. Listen carefully for the announcements. The competitor is given 3 minutes to report before being disqualified from that event.